Epic Giveaway Contest: Summer of History!

Summer is the time for hanging out on the deck or at the beach, a book in one hand and a cold drink in the other. So what’s better than having a chance at winning one of my books–The Conqueror’s Wife: A Novel of Alexander the Great–this summer?...

Release Day for The Conqueror’s Wife!

Today is the long-awaited release day for The Conqueror’s Wife!  We are the women who loved Alexander the Great.  We were lovers and murderers, innocents and soldiers.And without us, Alexander would have been only a man.Instead he was a god. Want to...

The Conqueror’s Wife Blog Tour Begins!

Monday, November 23 Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book Review & Giveaway at Peeking Between the Pages Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past   Tuesday, November 24 Review at Layered Pages Interview & Giveaway at A Bookish Affair Spotlight...

Cover Reveal: The Conqueror’s Wife

And here she is, the cover of my fourth novel, coming in December 2015 from New American Library/Penguin! It’s a little different from my other covers, but I really like the mystery of this one. I suspect that Alexander would prefer a severed head or two, with...