Word Count Quandry

Here’s a question for all you published authors out there. And agents. And editors. Really, anyone who knows more about writing than I do which is just about everyone. Which word count formula should one really use for a query letter? Granted, I’m not at...

Extra Words- Agent Comments

I just got back my comments from Janet Reid from Fine Print Literary Management. She missed the Alaska Writer’s Guild Conference (cursed airlines!), but was still able to read the first fifteen pages of my WIP and offer some very valuable feedback. I sent her a...

Editing With a New Pair of Eyes

I just finished Chapter 18 in Hatshepsut’s story, bringing the total page count to 417. Woo hoo! People always ask me for the word count, something that’s totally understandable as it’s what agents require. At this point I’m not sure about the...