How I Got My Agent + GIVEAWAY!!!

Let me just start by saying that my query experience with my second book was night and day from querying my first. (And by night and day, I mean the 20 hour Alaskan Winter Solstice night versus the 20 hour Alaskan Summer Solstice day).What I learned from querying Book...

The BIG News

It’s beyond surreal to finally be writing this post.I have an agent!!!*breaks into an Egyptian happy dance*And not just any agent!An amazing agent who says my book about Theodora reminds her of her trip to Turkey. And she’s been to Egypt and knows all...

Will Publish For Cupcakes

Here’s the conversation my three-year-old monkey and I had last night…MONKEY: Mommy, what does publish mean?ME: Well, it means that an agent says they like my book and they find someone who will make lots of copies of it. Then they put them on the shelves...