U: Undertaking

My current WIP feels like a whirlwind compared to my first finished novel. This has been a huge undertaking, basically because I knew next to nothing about the Byzantine Empire when I started. Yeah, okay, I’ve taught about it, but my school’s 700+ page...

Q: Quarantine

Quarantines have been used since Biblical times to separate the sick from the well (mostly lepers–cool disease to study, but not to have), but the term comes from the Latin word for forty. 14th century Venice required incoming ships to hang out in their harbor...

P: Pseudo-Prologues

Prologues are bad. Or so they say.A trend I’ve noticed in historical fiction is something I’m dubbing the pseudo-prologue (only because I wanted something with a double P for my title). Three of my favorite hist-fic novels–Water For Elephants by Sara...


See that sleepy gal at the top of my blog? That’s how I feel. (I only wish I was in Egypt too!) We just got back from Washington D.C.–it was awesome, but also exhausting to chaperone teenagers through the capital for a week. Not only that, but I’ve...

C: Constantinople

No, you can’t go back to ConstantinopleBeen a long time gone, ConstantinopleWhy did Constantinople get the works?That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.-Istanbul, We Might Be GiantsConstantinople might have been renamed to Istanbul by Ataturk in the...