Confucius Says… 2010 is Going to be Great!

I have a thing with fortune cookies. I rarely eat Chinese food and when I do, I like to think my fortune cookies will come true. And really, wouldn’t it just be wrong for a fortune wrapped in sugary goodness to not come true? So last week I got another one- I...

Confucius Says…

So I’m kind of a big fan of fortune cookies. Who doesn’t like a happy prediction for the future wrapped in sugary goodness?Yesterday some of my students brought in fortune cookies and mine gave me a big smile. A cheerful letter or message is on its way to...

Ticking Time Bomb

Yesterday I mentioned my self-imposed deadline for HATSHEPSUT: FEMALE PHARAOH so today I thought I’d elaborate a bit. When I first set out to write this book I gave myself three years just to finish it. I’m not sure if that meant to write it through the...