Child of the Morning

One of the books you can win in my Motherload Contest (along with two others by thge marvelous Michelle Moran and an ancient Roman coin) is Pauline Gedge’s Child of the Morning. So I thought I’d review it!Here’s the dust jacket blurb:She ruled Egypt...

Who the Heck is Hatshepsut? (Re-post)

I’ve been putting off writing a blog bio of Hatshepsut for a long time. Since I started blogging actually. Why? Because I wanted to wait until people would actually read the post! Imagine your hero, the one person in the world you’ve on a pedestal, one so...


Okay, I’ve missed several of the last blogfests, but I couldn’t resist the Whoops! Blogfest, sponsored by the fabulous Laurel over at Laurel’s Leaves. We all have those whoops moments- the ones we wish we could erase from our memories. Permanently....

Hatshepsut Novel Re-Release

Yesterday I was perusing Pauline Gedge’s Egyptian novels at Amazon when I discovered something totally cool. You see, Gedge has authored the only traditionally published, adult novel on Hatshepsut (there’s a couple children’s books out there). Child...

One Hit Wonder?

A while ago, Voidwalker asked what I was going to name my blog when I started writing another book. I have no idea. When I started writing Hatshepsut, it was with the intention of writing this one fabulous novel. I would be Arthur Golden and Hatshepsut would be my...