A while ago, Voidwalker asked what I was going to name my blog when I started writing another book.
I have no idea.
When I started writing Hatshepsut, it was with the intention of writing this one fabulous novel. I would be Arthur Golden and Hatshepsut would be my Memoirs of a Geisha. And then I realized I had another story to tell, this one about another, more obscure Egyptian Pharaoh. The story has been simmering on the back burner for the past months while I got Hatshepsut query-ready, but in a few weeks I’ll be writing again.
As far as the blog name goes, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now I like having Hatshepsut in the title as she’s my main focus. Plus, occasionally someone who knows about her will stumble upon the site and tell me how much they love her. That always makes me happy.
How many novels to you think you have in you? Will you be Arthur Golden or Stephen King?
I think (hope, pray) there are more than one. But I'll be happy to make it one great one and go from there. You're right, the blog title comes later…And yours is intriguing and connected enough with your main interest. Even if you keep writing about Egyptian pharoahs, Hatshepsut still fits in the theme (I had to scroll back up to sneak a peak at the spelling). She was your first muse! Are you that close to finished? I am so intrigued. I love historical fiction…Alas, I am no where near done…
I have so many ideas that need to be written it's ridiculous. There's definitely more than one novel in me.
I've got one ms marinating, one being written & a couple more swirling in my head. Just gotta find time to get them out 🙂
Definitely more like Stephan King. Actually, I'm having trouble deciding which should be my next project. I have two in progress (very early days) but neither is in the same genre as my novel I'm currently querying. I have an idea that I think is the way to go, genre-wise. But it is so hard to pull away from things already plotted, with characters taking up residence in my head.
I feel more in line with Stephen King right now. Hopefully I have enough novels in me to sustain a satisfying career.
Well, I have two completed drafts and a third in the outline stage. Is there a category for most unfinished manuscripts? 😀
We all hope we have more than one in us. I have a chapter book and 3 PB's done. After that, who knows? 🙂
I have TOO many projects. Someone seriously needs to organize my life since I'm not. 😉
Don't fret the blog title. It's great, and when the time comes, if you need to change, you will.
I wrote five drafts last year, and I'm 20K into a sixth, and 3 chapters into a possible seventh. The first draft made it to some kind of well revised polished state that I had called FINISHED MS, but now my writing is so improved that I will have to go back and rewrite it again if I ever want to query it, and then of course Generations is getting my full attention now. I've also got another idea that I haven't touched– So if the publishing gods smile upon me, I could Steven King it up, I think. 🙂
I love "Memoirs of a Geisha" and recently I re-read it and hunted around for another Arthur Golden book in vain. I hope I will be a Stephen King when it comes to prolific writing!
I have four novel length manuscripts, and an idea for a fifth.
I'm more King than anything, but for now I'm just trying to focus on fixing and finishing my first.
I'm on #7 or so. If an idea pops into my head and I like it, it'll either go the full or short route. Luckily, when I'm in the midst of something, my focus stays pretty centered on it.
stephen king baby. I'm sitting on 7 right now, not counting the WIP.
I started off thinking it was one. Then I realized my fascination with this time period (pre war and WWII in England) will force my poor reluctant detective to solve other cases. So far, in my head, there's three more. Who knows?
I'm with Matthew… lots of ideas. My issue is just finding time to write them!
I have tons of books in me. I don't think I'll ever stop. Now, whether or not I'll be a Stephen King is yet to be decided, LOL!
Definitely more than one! But I only have two ideas (one already written) right now that I think are fully developed. The first book I wrote I'm not counting because it appears to be less original the more I read elsewhere.
I only hope to be half as prolific as Stephen King. I have a folder with dozens of ideas that I've written down for the future. You never know…one of those half formed thoughts could be the next Harry Potter.lol
Hopefully Stephen King. Fingers crossed.
Yeah, we're (HOPING) Stephen King.
I have no idea. I'm taking this writing thing one piece at a time.
Happy Valentinesy weekend, girl!!
You have a finished MS award on today's post!!
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
I'm with the masses–I have lots of novels in my head and I wrote two in the last year. Actually, just this morning I wrote down another idea for my cozy series. Oh happy day!
Like most, I can only dream of a career like Stephen King. I will be happy as long as the ideas continue to flow.