Master Yoda Says

I like squirrels. So sue me. These little guys seem to be doing a good job of something, be it slicing each other into squirrel ribbons or making people at the part stop and giggle. Either way, I don’t care. They’re cute. All of us do something really well...

Pass the Kleenex!

I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. -James MichenerI love that quote. And I love books that make me laugh, but even more, I love books that make me cry. Some books that made me laugh: River of Doubt (Candice...

Look! Something Shiny!

Have you ever played pinball, watching the shiny metal ball bounce all over the place and hoping it would go up the twirly ramp and earn you a bonus round? This post is like a pinball being played by an amateur, bouncing all over the place with no real target....