Zen 101- Success

Success if not found in what you have achieved, but rather in who you have become.Think back to where you were as a writer one year ago. I was frantically trying to finish my first novel before I ran out of inspiration. Again. I hadn’t started revising. I...

Zen 101- Destiny

You can look… and you will find it.You can not look… and you will find it. That which is yours will surely come to you.It just might take a really flipping long time. I love this quote because it reminds me of finding my husband. Neither he or I were...

Zen 101- Patience

Watch water drop onto the rock beneath it. One drop does nothing, but many drops over time create a hole in the rock. Such is the power of patience.I know many of us writers struggle with our lack of patience. So many things are out of our control- getting sick while...

Zen 101

Okay guys, I’m about to go all Zen on you. The last few weeks in Writing-Land have been a roller coaster ride, one filled with loop-de-loops and stomach curdling drops. I’m not a huge fan of roller coasters- I prefer the Ferris Wheel to the Zipper. Like a...