Here’s the final installment of 20 Questions! (I know you were waiting all weekend for this.)
L.T. Host asked, “If you had a time machine and could only go one place in time for an hour, where, when, and why would you go?”
Since I’ve been barred from answering this with any Egypt-related, I’m going to say it would be a toss up between visiting Theodore Roosevelt, probably as he rode up San Juan Hill (the only guy on a horse in the midst of an uphill battle- that takes serious guts), or hanging out with Henry VIII in the midst of splitting from the Catholic Church. I’ve always wanted to know what Henry and Anne Boleyn were really like- if they were as grasping and ambitious as they seem.
Bane of Anubis wanted to know, “Best part of Alaska? Worst part?”
Best part: The summers. Anytime I can stay outside until midnight gardening is a good time.
Worst part: The darkness in the winter. I’m starting to notice the light creeping back and that’s definitely a good thing!
Tricia O’Brien asked, “If you could ask the real Senenmut a question, what would it be?”
I want to know if he loved Hatshepsut. He never married and reached the pinnacle of Egypt’s social ladder because of her. I think they definitely had a thing.
And finally…
Dominique is dying to know, “What exactly does an Egyptian Happy Dance look like?”
That’s top secret, but I can tell you it’s usually performed to this tune:
Check out that hair! I love 80’s music! Do you have a favorite 80’s song?
Such fun questions and answers! Thanks for taking the time.
Walk like an Egyptian is up there for me. I just love 80s tunes in general, though, so I can't really think of any specific song I love above all the others.
I'll second summer as being the best part of living in Alaska. Midnight bike-rides.
I love the idea of gardening under the midnight sun! Can't think of a specific song, My Sharona (is that right?) jumps to mind, but I can't say as it's one of my favourites 🙂
These are fun q and a's STephanie. 🙂
Haha! I should've seen the Walk Like an Egyptian coming, but it still surprised me and made me laugh. 🙂
I loved these – so fun! Thanks for a morning dose of the Bangles. Why was I not surprised by it, I wonder?! Ha ha ha. 🙂
80s music always brings back memories, doesn't it? Great Q&As! 🙂
Thanks for this Stephanie 🙂 Cool answer to my question! 😀
The sun at midnight sounds very fun. I imagine there's lots of partying once the sun first reappears in the winter.
I don't know the name of my favorite 80's song, but it had the words "I wanna be rich, la la la la la la… I want money, lots and lots of money… I wanna fly in the sky." Anyway, I liked the tune for some reason, not necessarily the words.
That IS my favorite 80s song! I danced to that in first grade at a dance recital! Yay for memories!
This 20 Q's idea was a great one. If anyone is ever that interested in me, I might steal it!
I love the video clip! Great answers to some interesting questions.
Thanks for giving me this chance to know you a little better. The idea of gardening at midnight is magical. However, I know I'd be looking at the garden saying "I really should do that. Oh thank you for bringing me another glass of wine."
Such a fun video 🙂 Although it's a little sad looking back & remembering 80s hair!!
My hubby & I are planning an Alaskan cruise for our retirement gift to each other. Even though it's years and years away, I can't wait!!
Pour Some Sugar on Me! I was a Def Leppard maniac.