Here’s the official announcement, straight from Publisher’s Marketplace:
Debut |
Thornton’s THE SECRET HISTORY, in which a theater tart-turned-Constantinople’s premier courtesan must decide what’s more important: pleasing the emperor who claims to love her or keeping the son he can never know about, to Ellen Edwards of NAL, at auction, in a three-book deal, for publication beginning in 2013, by Marlene Stringer of the Stringer Literary Agency (World English). |
Wow. Just wow.
It’s taken buckets of blood, sweat, and tears to get to this point (and not just my own, I promise you!) so it’s beyond surreal to post the announcement I’ve been working toward for four long years.
Not only that, but today would have been my mom’s 51st birthday. I like to think this is a sort of reverse birthday present, and that she’d have been pretty proud of me. (And maybe that she would have liked my books too!)
The epic celebration contest is coming Monday so check back next week!
*breaks into an Egyptian happy dance*
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Wow!!! Stephanie, this is GREAT news!!! I am so proud of you and excited for you and WOW!!!
I am grinning from ear-to-ear! So well deserved, but not at all unexpected. Congrats, lovely lady!!!
Amalia & Jade–I think it's pretty fitting that two of my beta readers are the first to comment. I couldn't have done it without you ladies!
Congrats!! That is truly great!
Three book deal, sold at auction. That's very impressive!
I can't wait to see the books with your name on them!
I'm so happy for you, Stephanie. Congratulations!
O.M.G.!!!!!! (Which is what I just YELLED when I saw this) CONGRATULATIONS, Stephanie. I am so, so happy for you. You've worked so hard and deserve this completely. Can't wait to see your books on the shelves!!
WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! I'm SO excited for you. And a 3 book deal no less! You must be absolutely bouncing!!!! Congratulations – I'll do a happy dance for you too. So thrilled all your hard work is paying off 🙂 YAY!!
FABULOUS!!! congratulations !!!
I'm dancing like an Egyptian with you!!
Wonderful, fantastic news. How exciting. My only gripe is I have wait until 2013 to read the novel.
EEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! WOOT! Congratulations, Stephanie! SO SO SO excited for you. And me! I've been wanting to read one of your books for a long time. 🙂 *happy dances with you*
What a wonderful thing to have happened to you!!
Yay! Congratulations!!
Congrats! I <3 Constantinople, by any name. 😉
congrats!!! amazing, wonderful news!!!
Fantastic, Stephanie! What an amazing "reverse birthday present." Congrats!
Congratulations, Stephanie!
Such fantastic news! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to read them…
WOOO HOOOO!!!! I'm so happy for you, Stephanie! You totally deserve this and I hope it's every bit as wonderful as you've imagined.
Wow, congrats! You must be over the moon!
OMZ, this is so awesome! I can't wait to read the whole thing, out in the wild! Congratulations and best of luck!
SO excited for you! Yaaaaaay! *tosses confeetti*
Man, you guys are awesome! I couldn't check in from work today (last day of school) and now there's all these great messages.
Thank you, thank you!
Just saw this! Congratulations!!!
I am so thrilled for you. And at auction, too! Wow. Congratulations!
Huge, enormous congratulations, Stephanie! (Perfect picture, too! haha)
Karen–Thanks so much!
Renee–I can't wait to read a similar announcement about you one day!
Lavender–I just love that picture. It doesn't get much more awesome than fireworks over the pyramids!
Stephanie!! This is fantastic!!! So many congratulations to you!
OH MY GODS STEPHANIE! *passes out* I am so happy for you!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
*runs around in circles, passes out again*
Sorry I missed the announcement. I'm really, really good at this friends thing.
Do you think Hattie will make it into the three? (If you can say).
SO SO SO happy for you! Congrats!!! Enjoy this moment and good luck!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! So excited for you!! Your book sounds great, and I'm certain your mom would have been proud! Hugs to you, Stephanie!!
P.S. – Thank you again for the great gift package from when you landed your agent!
This is wonderful, Stephanie! Congratulations!
CONGRATS, girl! Can't wait to read them. You're a rock star!
Woo Hoo!!!! Wonderful news Hattie! (I can't think of you as anyone else, dear!) What a wonderful way to end the winter and begin the summer! Congrats! Now if only some of your work ethic would rub off on little ole me! lol
I have absolutely no idea how I missed this (just saw your contest giveaway and had to find out the deets!!), but CONGRATULATIONS! How absolutely awesomely wonderful! The books sound wonderful and a three-book deal is MAJOR! So, so excited for you. Congrats again!
*tacklehugs Stephanie*
I am so very happy for you. Congrats!
Congratulations! So very very happy for you!