My writers group is critting the revised version of a short story I submitted to an e-zine. The feedback was to tweak this and that and resubmit. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear the feedback.
I'm still working on the draft that wouldn't end. I am starting to feel about my book the way I sometimes feel about my children: I love it, but we've been spending way too much time together and I'd like someone else (like an agent) to babysit it for a while. Maybe it would behave differently for that person.
And kudos to you, Stephanie, for always being positive and upbeat. But if you ever need an offline shoulder on a bad day, feel free to email me.
I just discovered your blog a week or so ago through Libbie Hawker's blog. I love these posters! I'v never seen any Egypt ones before, and these are great!
Awesome! I love them!
Great de-motivators! Actually, they still motivate me. Something about pyramids I just love, no matter how blood covered they are!
This weekend will be writing galore! If I can wake up and consume enough chocolate to counteract my PMS. I've run out already and need more.
Those are motivating de-motivators! So cool. I hope to write a LOT this weekend. (note to self: watch out for de-motivators)
The expendable labor made me LOL. 😉 Happy Friday!
Valerie- Glad you enjoyed!
Lorel- No chocolate? That's horrible!
Tricia- I agree. If those guys thousands of years ago could build those pyramids, surely I can write a scene for my book, right?
L.T.- Yeah, I like that one too. Happy Friday!
Oh I like these.
My writers group is critting the revised version of a short story I submitted to an e-zine. The feedback was to tweak this and that and resubmit. I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear the feedback.
Great demotivators! I plan to get a lot of writing done this weekend, starting today. Enjoy your weekend!
Love those! I hope to get the fence finished this weekend and if I'm still walking upright, write into the second act.
These cracked me up — thanks for that!
I'm still working on the draft that wouldn't end. I am starting to feel about my book the way I sometimes feel about my children: I love it, but we've been spending way too much time together and I'd like someone else (like an agent) to babysit it for a while. Maybe it would behave differently for that person.
And kudos to you, Stephanie, for always being positive and upbeat. But if you ever need an offline shoulder on a bad day, feel free to email me.
I love those. I think I need some inspirational posters for my office (bedroom).
I'll still be working on my edits–of course–this weekend. Hope you have a great one!
I love how you find pictures that go with your blog and your book. Those are fun!
That Sacrifice one is AWESOME. haha! Nice find!
LOL, thanks for the laugh!
I just noticed you changed your background. Loved the old one ;), but this new one is so YOU!
Those posters are great, Stephanie! 🙂
These are two of the best I've seen, and I LOVE that you have these in the classroom. You are like, the coolest history teacher, ever.
No big writing plans this weekend, *sigh*. But I got paid, so I foresee spending money…
Gotta love demotivational posters. These perk me right up. That's for posting. 🙂
That second one is brilliant. Thanks for sharing the giggles.
HAHA!! Thanks for sharing Stephanie. Very fitting with the theme of your book as always!
What inspiring posters for your class! Thanks for sharing them on your blog.
Those posters are awesome! I haven't seen them before – gotta check them out 🙂
I just discovered your blog a week or so ago through Libbie Hawker's blog. I love these posters! I'v never seen any Egypt ones before, and these are great!
Love these! Happy weekend!
Haha! I absolutely love them! Thanks for sharing!
Your sacrifice demotivator reminds me of the opening of Demon Of The Air, by Simon Levack.