I love a good list.
There’s something about putting those little checks in the boxes that makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. One day when I’m old I plan to take up birding just so I can check off more boxes. ‘Cause I’m super cool like that.
Now, I love my job twisting the minds of America’s youth, er… teaching high school students American history, but it’s awfully hard to get much done when you have to go work for eight hours a day. Hence my inability to blog every day or even every other day.
My wishful thinking to-do list today.
1. Go to work. (This at least gives me one check!) CHECK!
2. Go to the library with my daughter. CHECK!
3. Clean bathrooms. Ummmm…
4. Catch up at Panhistoria. Right…
5. Post on blog. CHECK! (A little preemptive since I’m not done yet, but whatever.)
6. Edit 10 pages in MS. Was that a pig that just flew through the window?
7. Go for a run. CHECK!
8. Finish reading Killer Angels. Huh?
I’m going to be an optimist here and say that my list was halfway successful. Of course, all the ones I didn’t finish today will roll over to tomorrow. But then it’s the weekend! Huzzah!
Only a "list checker offer" would put work on their to do list 🙂
Another devoted listmaker like me? No wonder I like you!