I thought I was done revising for a couple weeks.
There is a character in HATSHEPSUT that has been giving me grief. A LOT of grief. So much that today I decided the manuscript would never be queryable (take that, spellcheck!) and I may as well scrap it. I just couldn’t get this woman’s motivations straight in my head and therefore, she was mucking up the whole novel. I thought I was going to have to rewrite her entire character which in turn would cause a score of other rewrites.
Just thinking about it made me want to lock myself in a padded room.
And then, in the shower (where I do my best thinking), a revelation came to me that will solve everything without any major rewrites.
Why are the best solutions always the simplest ones?
That's GREAT to hear! I'm totally dying of curiosity, now.
Yay you!! Best of luck. How soon will you be queryable? Awesome word by the way!
Because we get so focused on the niggling little details of the thing that we can't ever see the big picture until we stop thinking about it.
Simple advice, but difficult to manage.
Awesome news 🙂
I like Matthew's answer!
Oh yes! That eureka moment where you think 'Ah ha! Why didn't I think of it before??' I'm usually in the shower when I get those too. Could it be that is the only place we get time, silence and privacy?
Yay for muse moments! I love those moments. I've heard that it's because we are giving that part of our brain a rest when we're doing mundane activities that really require little thought on our part.
Or something scientific like that.
I may have had one of those yesterday as well. And it could save me a pretty major rewrite if I can make it solid and workable.
It's the shower that does it every time! Something about that warm water brings revelations… glad you were able to solve the problem!
I'm so glad! There for a minute, I just wanted to cry for you. My breakthroughs usually come to me when I'm trying to fall asleep. 🙂
Hooray! Isn't it funny how the subconscious mind does its best work when we don't push it too hard?
Shannon- Don't cry! Barring any unforeseen querying tragedies, I make it a point to not post depressing stuff. I had revelations just before falling asleep too- I have to keep pen and paper by my bed!
Faith- I don't know what it is- maybe it is the warm water- but the shower is great for idea generating!
Stephanie- That was very scientific! And I'm glad you had a revelation too. Those angels must have been busy yesterday!
Dreamstate- The shower really is one of the only times I get a moment's peace in the day. And I usually shower right before sitting down to right (not that I have to be clean to write, but only because my daughter has gone to bed) so it works out well!
Jemi & Matt- Yeah, I tend to be a tree person. Sometimes I have to stop to appreciate the forest.
Jade- My goal for querying was February, but I never specified when in Feb. I'm still hoping to make that, but it's looking like the end of the month.
Amalia- Thanks so much for your help! This is a different plan- I had a heart to heart with Aset yesterday. All day. Then it was one of those, "Duh!" moments. 🙂
Laurel- You snuck in there before I posted! 🙂 It is funny how the mind works.
That's great news.
Science has shown that our minds are most active when we're thinking aimlessly, instead of actively pursuing a notion. So, really, the daydreaming you do in the shower is your most intense brain activity of the day.
i *love* it when that happens. happy for you.
I think so well in the shower! My husband teases that he's taking the water bill from my shopping allowance, but it's worth it.
You killed her, didn't you? That's what I do w/ characters that annoy me 🙂
Sweet 🙂 So happy it worked out!
Well, whatever your solution, good job! Glad it will work out. Total revision for 1 character's sake is NOT cool.
Why are the best solutions always the simplest ones? Because if they weren't we wouldn't be able to experience that "Wow. I am dumber than a stick" moment. It's one of life's special feelings.
Seriously, I'm really happy the little light bulb lit. Huzzah!
I'm glad that for you best = simple. For me, it usually means deleting thousands of words and starting over. Unweaving plot lines that came before the carnage and redoing.
But I'm glad yours is an easy fix!
Occam's razor – "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" and the conclusion thereof, that the simplest explanation or strategy tends to be the best one.
My last big idea hit while I was mopping the floors. Something about cleaning and water…
Awesome news. I love it when that happens!
just torture the ones that arent cooperating 🙂
Hey, I do all my best thinking in the shower too! Something about the hot water…
Yay, for you! That's great news. What's the law called? When there's more than one solution, go with the easiest? Isn't there some sort of law like that?
FABulous!!! I'm so thrilled for you, that is the best feeling.
Now that was a hopeful post! *smiles* *smiles more*
Oh I understand that kind of frustration and you are right, showers are great for thinking 🙂
I am glad you solved the problem :)))
Back again to tell you I've left something for you on my blog.
chack this out ~! angel workshops