Yes, this is a bonus post today, but I just discovered that Muse in the Fog is having a fabulous contest over at her blog Confessions & Ramblings of a Muse in the Fog.
You can win a copy of Michelle Moran’s new book, Cleopatra’s Daughter and a certified ancient Roman coin. Totally cool! I like Moran because she’s one of the only non-fantasy, non-mystery, ancient Egypt writers out there. I hope to join her ranks one day soon!
That's the awesomest giveaway I've ever heard of!
Amalia- That's what I thought. That's why I had to advertise!
Stephanie, thank you so much for promoting the giveaway (I found you on my Google Alerts ;).
And good luck with the Hatshepsut novel!!! She is such a fascinating queen (or should that be king?!).
Very coo – thanks for the link 🙂
That would be "cool" – pretty sure no pigeons were around *sigh*
Oooh my best friend would love this. She is obsessed with Egypt. Thanks!
Thanks for the links, Stephanie – I hope YOU are the winner! 🙂
Neat contest!
non-fantasty, non-mystery–so what exactly is her genre? Historical fiction, I guess, but not mystery?
Have you read her books? Recommend them?
Thanks for pointing me that way. More competition, mwa hahahahaha!
Ahem. Sorry.