I just planted more goodies for my garden this weekend. Now I’ve got blueberries, tomatoes (yellow, cherry, heirloom, and regular), bell peppers, cucumbers, basil, summer squash, purple potatoes (yes, they’re really purple), and zucchini on the vegetable front. I’ve also got three types of sunflowers (including red ones) and black-eyed susans that are stretching their leaves.
This is just the stuff in the indoor greenhouse right now. There’s still a couple feet of snow on the ground, but the little guys need a head start or they’ll never make it before the white stuff flies again in October.
I pretty much live outside all summer. Except when I’m inside writing. There’s something great about seeing something you planted sprout and take off. Eating what you grew is even better.
The same thing goes for my manuscripts. I just hit 100 pages on Book #2 this weekend (just shy of 30,000 words). This time last year, I never in a quadzillion years (yes, that’s more than a million, but I’m not sure by how much) would have guessed I’d be writing a second book. Seeing that page count creep up never fails to thrill me.
I’m growing a book!
So, what are you growing lately? Books? Veggies? Chia pets? Sea monkeys?
Photo from Flickr.
I'm growing….too good at excuses for not writing, lol!
But for real, I'g growing figs, asian pears, tomatoes, rhubarb, an herb garden, and I'm going to go get some cherry trees and peach trees now that they're on sale at the nursery!
Too bad we live so far apart– we could have a writers' farmers' market 🙂
Ann- I'm jealous! If I could I'd grow all sorts of fruit. And avacadoes. The growing season in Alaska is too darn short and it get too cold. 🙁
I'd love to have a little greenhouse, but there's always something more vital to pay for 🙂
We won't be planting until after the first full moon in June. Can't wait.
Jemi- Wow! If I wanted to plant until June I'd only have two months of growing left!
Congratulations on your progress. I can't wait to get through my revisions and get back to book #2. It must feel good.
I am growing my knowledge of Icelandic! Just picked up a companion text book to go along with the online course I'm taking, and a dictionary! I spent last night looking at flights, and videos of Iceland and dreaming about going. Stephanie, it is an ache in my soul that I can't get on a plane tomorrow! I'll be getting back into writing in April, but for now, I've neglected Icelandic for too long 🙂
Do you ever write outside? I'm going to give that a shot this summer, at least before it's too hot.
I can't wait to start planting outside. Our ground is still frozen here as well.
30k already — I've been at my current WIP for about 3 months now and it's only at 12k — I knew it, I'm a garden slug 🙂
Nothing better than fresh tomatoes, IMO. Mmm…I'm drooling. 🙂
Holy cow! Our posts compliment each other perfectly today. 🙂
Gosh, what I wouldn't give to have a garden! I used to garden all the time when I had more space. Now I'm living in a little studio apartment (tiny, actually) and I don't have the resources available to garden. But blueberries and chickpeas and tomatoes sound wonderful!
I'm currently growing two more Egyptian novels, and having a lot of fun seeing how fast I can get their first drafts written. 🙂
…and Stephanie, I am dying to know what your second novel is about! Another Egyptian one, I hope…?
I read the prologue you posted from the early version of Hatshepsut waaayyy back in your blog, and I really like your writing style (even in an early first draft). I am rooting for you 'cause I wanna read more!
If you ever need another beta reader, please let me know! I'm intrigued by your ideas and your enthusiasm for history. 😀
We are going to start a bunch of seeds this weekend!! Sounds like you are off and running on that second novel. Way to go!
I'm so excited to get back out in the garden! We'll get out and plant in the next few weeks too. I love growing things (whether it be fruits, vegetables or stories).