So one of my goals in life it to turn my daughter into a total nerd. Okay, maybe not a Star-Trek-toting, head-gear-wearing nerd (yes, that describes me in school), but at least a nerd. Reason? High school may suck for the dorks, but they’re the ones who are successful in school and do well once they graduate.
So I’ve been teaching the three-year-old monkey to read. And she’s doing a pretty darn good job. She’s got a sentence she reads every night before bed and we work on words every day. She’s also well on her way to Dork-dom because she likes to turn everything into a song. It’s like living in a Broadway musical.
Here was the song she was singing in the bath tub tonight:
I really love to spell,
I really love to spell,
And the munchkin just doesn’t see the irony. We’ll have to work on that one.
Aww that's so sweet and a great way to spend time with your daughter! My mom taught me to read as well and I knew how before I went to school. It was a BIG advantage. Good for you!
Aubrie- I hope it gives her an advantage. I just want her to love to read!
We have to bring up the next generation of nerds properly. If we don't, who will? Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. must all be proliferated through the next generation so that they may pass it on to the one to succeed them.
Love the song. Sounds like there's never a dull moment in your household!
Way too funny!!!! I am glad to hear you're teaching her to REDA!
LOL the song is SO funny! You should videotape her doing it so you can share it with her later!
How cute is that?
And what an adorable kid, and such a smart one. Comes from the Mamma, I am sure.
Princess Pea sings that song on Super Why on PBS. I've heard it almost every day for the last 5 years. That's great the munchkin is learning so soon.
Monster Baby is finally learning to read on her own and I'm so thankful. I know once I get down all my old horse books she'll be just as drawn in as I was.
lol!! you should tell her this story when she's older so she can be mortified/laugh at herself.
HILARIOUS. I agree with Amalia– this is definite first boyfriend mortifying story material.
I used to be a spelling champ myself– I still pride myself on spelling better than most of the internet, but I'm afraid having seen so many mix-ups of "you're" and "your" is starting to rub off…. Sigh.
Too cute! And what an amazing gift to give your little girl. Reading is an open door to the world. I've always been grateful to my parents for introducing me to books at an early age. I was always the best reader in class. And see, I'm still proud of it! 🙂
Haha, what an adorable story! Speaking of which, GO NERDS! "Star Trek: The Next Generation" was one of my favorite shows growing up. :o)
So cute! That's pretty darn brilliant for three, though! 🙂
That's awesome!! My daughter loved words and letters at that age. She loved me to write words on the Magna-Doodle for her to guess – and she loved finding all the same letters on the front page of the newspaper. 🙂
Munchkin's song is heart-warming funny. But, she's seriously smart…I mean, only three and she can do so much…wow! But pat yourself on the back, Mom, cause you're doing a terrific job. And I apologize for not dropping in sooner but you're not showing up on my blogroll. Don't understand. But I went back and enjoyed your previous posts, left comments. Stephanie, you've got a really great blog going here.
That is SOOO funny!
My son was reading before he was talking (he's autistic). He was sitting on my lap one day, I was reading to him and I stopped to talk to someone and he kept going where I left off! On the flip side, he couldn't ask for juice or even point to what he wanted.
Good luck teaching your angel to read! That's awesome!
So cute! I was a spelling nerd myself 🙂 Won every single spelling bee in my third grade class. I had almost an entire notebook filled with fuzzy, shiny, and smelly stickers I'd won!
That's so cute.
I'm sure your daughter will grow up to be a proud and happy nerd. After all, the nerds shall inherit the Earth, or take it by stealth with our mad skills. ;P
I love the song! Cute!
My daughter and I turn everything into a song as well. We call them spontaneous musicals. The funniest part is that I can't sing to save my life. My poor family…
That is too precious! I love little story gems like that. My son is only 19 months but he already loves the PBS show SuperWhy! I'm hoping that he'll still watch it when he can actually learn how to read from it.
That is so cute! She sounds adorable.
And nerds rule! 🙂 I was a total Trekky too.
That's so cute.
If I were to have children, I'd raise them to be nerds, too.
LOL. That is too cute. Reminds me of the T-shirt I saw somewhere that said: STATE SPELLING CHIMP.
How adorable! Yay for dorks!