I’m baaaaaack!

I know you all missed me. I swear I thought of you when I went to check blogs and remembered the cruise ship charges $.55 a minute for internet. I spend about an hour a day on blogs, on a seven day cruise…

You do the math.

But now I’m back! And this week I have writing lessons I learned from Mexico.

1. Life is good when you’re on Mexico time.

Who needs watches and time zones when you can just do what you want, when you want? I’m a huge fan of checking boxes to feel like I’ve accomplished something, but sometimes it’s nice to just let life do the driving. I planned to write a lot over vacation, but I only wrote five pages. But I’m okay with that. Sometimes my brain needs to lie fallow for a while.

And really, isn’t late better than never? (Insert nod here.) That brings me to my next point…

The Secret Archives of the Alliterati launched today! And yes, I can say today because it’s still Monday here. One of the benefits of living in Alaska is I’m behind everyone else so I’m rarely late. Mwahaha! If you haven’t already joined, you must! There will be an uber-cool contest coming up. Check it out!

And throw away your watch while you’re at it.