My brain is a mush of short-circuiting synapses right now so I’m not going to blog about writing tonight. Or ancient Egypt. Those of you visiting in the hopes of finding either of those topics are going to be sorely disappointed. I’d apologize, but I’m not going to because today we’re going to talk about…
Star Trek!
Two nights ago I did the unthinkable. I stayed up late to watch the new Star Trek movie that just came out on DVD. (Translation: Stayed up until 11PM which really is late considering I deal with 125 hormonal teenagers starting at 7AM.)
I loved it. Loved, loved, loved it!
Gene Roddenberry had quite the imagination, sparking this whole franchise- I once read that he created the characters of The Next Generation giving each person one part of the human psyche. Picard (or was it Data?) was the brains, Riker the sex drive, Troi the emotion, and Worf was instinct. I’ve always thought that was kind of nifty.
As you might have guessed, The Next Generation is my favorite series and while I love all the characters (except for Geordi and Wesley Crusher) I always really liked Troi. Data and Picard would be tied for second place.
So for those of you Trekkies out there, enlighten me today. (And yes, I’m a definite Trekkie. I might even have a couple of convention notches in my belt- my dad and I bonded over Star Trek when I was a teen- it was the only thing we agreed on.)
Who is your favorite character in the Trek universe? Favorite series? Episode?
Picard and Spock are definitely up there, and I'm totally with you about Wesley Crusher. That kid just ticked me off. I looooved TNG. and I am a total sucker for every other series, too. I'm even enjoying Enterprise a lot! My husband is an even bigger fan than I am, and has a ton of the technical manuals. Last night he broke one out to show me Star Trek's pants of the future…
It's funny you posted this because I just watched the new movie tonight–not for the first time, because I went to see it THREE times in theaters– and the first ten minutes makes me cry every single time I see it. I am not even ashamed to admit it. I thought it was just incredibly executed.
Fun Fact: The guy who plays Kirk's Father in the new movie is slated to play Thor for Marvel.
okay. I'm done gushing!
Spock's easily my favorite character in the entire Star Trek Universe — Picard is a close second only because Patrick Stewart is freaking amazing. It could be actually be said I'm more of a Patrick Stewart fan than a Jean-Luc Picard fan, in fact.
Random note: There's an entry at called "The Wesley" as a subtrope under the Mary Sue/Gary Stu ones.
Also — You and Gary are evil, giving me another story idea to run with. 😉
Q and Lwaxana.
Picard and Riker and Data and Geordi and Deanna and all of them are close seconds, but talk about well-developed secondary characters.
The Borg were the best enemy. Any episode dealing with time travel ranks high in my book. (Same with the movies. My faves are definitely Voyage Home and First Contact, with the new one pretty high up there.)
Oooo… I loved the new Star Trek movie… drool… and I have fond memories of watching the Next Generation with my family back in the day. I liked Picard. Not a big fan of Riker, though. He kind of bugged me.
I love Patrick Stewart! Just listening to him talk makes me want to swoon. And as far as the original series goes, Spock is definitely my favorite character although I love Bones and Scotty for comic relief.
Stephanie- Lwaxana and Q are definitely my favorite secondary characters. I have most of those episodes on DVD- they make me laugh every single time!
Amalia- New pants? I got a little giggle out of the skorts in the movie- TNG cut those after just a couple episodes.
Matt- You can thank Gary and me later. 🙂
Can you believe I have never seen an episode of Star Trek in my entire life?? I know so many people who are addicted to this show and I really want to give it a try. What do you recommend I watch first?
I have never been a fan of Star Trek, but I LOVED the new movie. It was awesome.
I loved the new movie. It was amazing.
I grew up with Star Trek because my parents were fans, but I never really followed it myself. If I can just convince WB to watch it with me…. hmm…
I think Data was my favorite character. I have a thing for good robots that become more human over time.
Julie- I'd have to say The Next Generation. I like the original series, but now the technology is kind of dated. The first two seasons of TNG are a little spotty, but they hit their stride with the 3rd season and just got better from there.
The movie was awesome! And I like Data too- he's pretty funny. And I like his cat- Spot. 🙂
Love Star Trek! My parents were Trekkies– I was a bit too young to really qualify as one. My brain is a bit too fried from school work to think of a favourite character or episode. I loved Data, so that would be my vote for today.
Star Trek was definitely huge in my family growing up (TNG) — favorite at the time was Data. Nowadays, I've fallen off the bandwagon, though I still have fond memories of discussing the plausibility of teleportation.
Picard. I love that character. I used to watch Star Trek all the time, but I haven't seen any of the movies. I know, shame on me.
I absolutely love Star Trek – all of them! (although I never really liked Deep Space Nine)
Favorite character, huh? Hmmm…that's a toughy. I have to go against the flow here and say Captain James T. Kirk! Sorry folks, but I actually love William Shatner – bad acting and all. 🙂 My favorite movies are 2, 3, and 4 – Spock's death, rescue, and the humpback whales. (I love it when Spock cusses):)
Spock's "colorful metaphors" were hilarious.