I had a different post planned for tonight (I should really be writing Book #3, but whatever), but then I read Shannon O’Donnell’s post today on Life Melodies.
It got me thinking. (Not sure if that’s a good thing).
If you had to pick ONE word to describe your writing journey, what would it be?
What’s mine?
What about you?
Image from Despair.com
My writing journey would be called UNPREDICTABLE.
Thoughts in Progress
Great idea!
Great question! Mine would be: UNEXPECTED.
Ooh, that's an easy one. And I'll tell you what it is in a moment, but first I just want to say that your choice is an ideal one for writers to have. Perseverance is essential, since we face such daunting odds and long waiting periods, and need to sacrifice so much of ourselves.
Anyway, my one word? Procrastination.
I agree that your word is the ideal one many writers should strive harder to achieve.
Determination is the one thing that's kept me going, so I guess that's the word I choose.
Great post!
Oh, wow. Thanks for the shout-out, Stephanie. I think I'm going to go with fortitude. 🙂
I think I'm going to have to be lame and go with the same one as you, because that's how I'm feeling right now. So, PERSEVERANCE for me too.
At least we can all hang in there together!
Incomplete, would be my word. I still feel like I've got a lot way to go until I'm satisfied with the progress I'm making. I feel like I have a lot more to offer than what I have thus far. Perseverance is a great word too 🙂
one word?
Not because I have found any kind of success, but because it has felt so right that I am engaging in the pursuit.
Your word reminds me of a riddle someone tweeted recently:
What do you call a writer who doesn't give up?
Perseverence is the perfect word. Mine is probably more accurately "spotty" but I'm working on it!!!
My word is also perseverance. I wrote one book after another after multiple rejections because I wouldn't give up.
I'm going to have to go with stubborn. A mule has nothing on me!!
Oh, this is a toughie. Just one? Hmmm. I'd have to go with perseverance too.
I would say FAITH. And patience. But that's two. BTW, love Nate's word, procrastination. That's me too.
Stephanie, I found the coolest pics of some recent discoveries concerning Tutankhamun. Watch for a post on them.
Revelation. Have a great weekend!
LOVE that poster!!!
I'm not sure what mine would be – although I could use perservence too. Maybe nervewracking 🙂
My word would be: SUCKAGE.
Haha, just kidding. 🙂
Hmm, I think perseverance would be a good word for me too!
Those posters make me laugh 🙂 My word would be…
Glad I found your blog!