It’s amazing how you can edit the same passage a kazillion times, but when you go back and read it one more time you find more glaring errors. I’ve been pondering the ending of my WIP (already written, but there’s something missing) and going through the first few chapters nitpicking.
There are a lot of search and destroy words that are only now jumping out at me.
It was apparent.
I can’t remember the others. But they’re out there. But instead of this being a painful process, my twisted cerebellum has turned it into a ridiculous little game. Each time I find one of those sneaky words or phrases I get this little twinge of demonic glee, like I’ve secretly discovered some pesky little bug and smashed it to smithereens.
Actually, I try to release most bugs into the great outdoors, but if I were into bug-smashing that’s how I’d imaging it might feel. Like when I was kid. I liked to smash bugs then.
But I digress.
With the right mindset editing can be fun!
OH MY GOD!!! Yes, I know what you mean about a gazillion, trillion reads and then BAM!
My BAM moment came yesterday as I was reading proofs of my first novel, Blood and Groom, which will be going to the printers later this month.
The OMG moment was a small thing to catch in terms of typing required to change it, but a big thing in terms of plot.
Amazing how these things happen… and I have no doubt there will be more!
Cheers, Jill Edmondson
Congrats on the novel, Jill! I just read your post with some quotes- I got a good laugh from them.
I'm now waiting for my BAM moment for the ending before my second round of beta readers can have a go at it. There's just something missing that I can't quite put my finger on…