2010 is almost upon us. 2009 was a rather placid year for me, but I have a hunch that 2010 is going to be a roller coaster ride. I typically shy from drama, but I think I can handle a bipolar year.
When times get tough it’s nice to find a little silver lining, something to rely on as a pick-me-up. When I’m stressed I tend to do one of the following:
1. Yoga. Yay for Pigeon Pose! And Plow!
2. Run. This especially helps when I’m mad.
3. Read. There’s nothing like living in an alternate world for a few hours to bring me to my happy place.
4. Read blogs. This is especially effective at work. Shhh! Don’t tell!
Shannon recently awarded me The Silver Lining Award and I’d like to pass it along to a few blogs that always make me smile. This is a no pressure award- pass along if you choose, acknowledge, or do nothing. There’s more awards to come in the future!
1. Terresa at The Chocolate Chip Waffle is like a ray of sunshine in the blogosphere. She can seriously work some magic with words.
2. Matt at Free the Princess does some awesome steampunkery and has also allowed me to be an evil dictator. That makes me oh so happy!
3. K.M. Kriddle at C’MERE is downright hilarious. Her posts are in picture form and they make me snort various liquids up my nose.
4. Bane of Anubis is a no-holds-barred kind of guy. I love his brutal honesty.
5. Jade at Jade Hears Voices is an Aussie with spunk. And she digs archaeology! (Oh, yes, that pun was on purpose!)
Happy New Year to everyone! I hope 2010 brings all you whatever your heart desires!
Great choices to pass the award along to, Stephanie!
Happy New Year! 🙂
Happy New Year
Hey, I love those alternative worlds, and can't wait to read yours when it gets published. I think you are ready to go with your four stress reducers. Congrats on your award and to the nominees. And a very Happy New Year to you.
Happy New Year!
Thanks, Stephanie. That reminds me, I should have another silver lining post (global warming this time ;)…
Congrats 🙂 Can't wait to check out these new blogs – sounds like a great way to start the new year! I wish you all the best for 2010!
Aww! Thank you.
I'm with you–2010 is going to be a hell of a year.
Oh yes, 2010 will be one banner year that's for sure.
Thanks for the award, and if you're still interested in reading something for me you can peruse the just-completed rough draft of CaN
Congrats on the award! I'll check out the blogs you recommended. I already follow one of them!
Running always puts me in a better place. I like to work out book details or just burn off steam when I run.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Running is a great tactic for stress, as well as reading blogs. I love reading yours and will check out your awardees. They sound great!
Happy new year! Congrats on the award!
Aw, Stephanie, thanks so much for the award! Best of love and luck in the New Year. Wine and cheese for everyone!
Wow, really? Thanks so much! I am honored and grateful. Can I Fed ex you a real chocoalte chip waffle now? (Or would it only arrive soggy and cold?)
A toast to us all & our writing dreams in the new year!