Winter Begone!

This winter was rough.  (Why am I talking about winter in May, you ask? Because I still have snow in my yard and it snowed again two days ago.) Begone winter! The monkey in the back yard a couple weeks ago. Anchorage did break the seasonal snow record this year...

Close Encounters of the Bear Kind

Last week my daughter and I had a picnic on our back porch, one that almost made us late to her soccer game. On our way down the hill I thought, “Huh, I didn’t close the window. I should turn around and make sure the door was shut too.”Too late....

Tough Alaska Girl- Right…

I was lazy yesterday. It was a gorgeous day and I decided to sit outside and soak up the sun before we went camping. My daughter got tired of playing in the sprinkler and ran around to the front door as I flipped over to my stomach to sun my back (trying in vain to...

Birds & Placeholders

I put out a bird feeder in October, excited for the return of my birdie friends from last winter. Alas, the only two feathered critters who decided to grace my feeder all winter were a pair of black-capped chickadees. They’re adorable, but last year I had a bird...

20 Questions- The Final Round!

Here’s the final installment of 20 Questions! (I know you were waiting all weekend for this.)L.T. Host asked, “If you had a time machine and could only go one place in time for an hour, where, when, and why would you go?”Since I’ve been barred...