5 Star Review: Girl on the Golden Coin

My Review: I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of Girl on the Golden Coin since last year, and this book definitely delivered all the drama, romance, and intrigue I was expecting! Frances Stuart is portrayed as honorable and virtuous, yet she’s able to...

Ice Cream Cake with Five Famous Women

In honor of Women’s History Month, I thought I’d invite five famous historical women to talk about politics, world conquest, and men over for peanut butter chocolate ice cream cake. Barring myself from inviting the usual suspects (Hatshepsut, Theodora,...

Theodora Music Video!

Let it be known that I am forever using goofy history videos while teaching, usually to make my students laugh (but also, sneakily to teach them). My favorites are John Green’s Crash Course and Horrible Histories, but I just found this one from Historyteachers...

Who the Heck Was Justinian?

Ask someone to name a Roman emperor and chances are you’ll get one of the usual heavyweights: Octavian (can’t stand him), Caligula (born on my birthday!), or maybe even Nero (killed his mom, so I’m not a big fan). Ask someone to name a Byzantine...