by SMThornton | Sep 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
A long time ago (February 22, 2010, to be exact), I posted about my experience watching The Incredible Journey when I was six years old. I had to laugh (and groan and almost cry) this weekend when I showed it to my five-year-old monkey. To be honest, I zoned out...
by SMThornton | May 11, 2012 | Uncategorized
My daughter is an amazing little monkey. While I like to think I’m teaching her a thing or two, she’s really the one teaching me something new every day. Here’s the top two monkey lessons… Lesson #1: I can do anything. This started when I opted...
by SMThornton | May 16, 2011 | Uncategorized
Pop the champagne and throw a shrimp on the barbie! I just finished the first draft of my WIP! Wait, I don’t eat shrimp and I’d rather have a glass of wine. Whatever–all I know is that it’s DONE!*breaks into an Egyptian Byzantine happy...
by SMThornton | Nov 8, 2010 | Uncategorized
I’m a goal-setter, but I like to keep my writing goals achievable. (Read: LOW)Why? Take this excerpt from my life Thursday night, the day before my monkey became a big four-year-old.MONKEY: Mommy, my tummy hurts. ME: Why don’t you sit on our nice white...