Crash Course: How and Why We Read

I’m not sure if any of you have seen John Green’s Crash Course:World History on YouTube, but seriously, you need to. I actually discovered this nifty (and obscenely addictive) series this year when a student told me Green reminded her of me lecturing,...

Scarring My Daughter for Life

A long time ago (February 22, 2010, to be exact), I posted about my experience watching The Incredible Journey when I was six years old. I had to laugh (and groan and almost cry) this weekend when I showed it to my five-year-old monkey.  To be honest, I zoned out...

Mile 6, How I Loathe Thee

Today I tried to kill myself. Again. In a moment of utter foolishness, I signed up to run a HALF-marathon over Labor Day weekend. (I specify HALF-marathon because training this summer has convinced me of one thing regarding full marathon runners: they are bat-sh*t...

I Love Canada!

So I was procrastinating writing doing serious research tonight and thought I’d check to see what came up when I Googled “Stephanie Thornton.”  Pretty basic stuff.  My blog. Pinterest account. And so on.  Then, just for kicks, I...