I Love Canada!

So I was procrastinating writing doing serious research tonight and thought I’d check to see what came up when I Googled “Stephanie Thornton.”  Pretty basic stuff.  My blog. Pinterest account. And so on.  Then, just for kicks, I...

Bazaar Leeches

So I’m back from my trip, having eaten far too much pizza, baklava, and gelato. (And doing my penance now by training for a half-marathon. Ugh.) It was pretty fun to visit Europe this time and just soak up the city without have to run helter-skelter doing a ton...

The Big, BIG News!

Here’s the official announcement, straight from Publisher’s Marketplace: Debut  Stephanie Thornton’s THE SECRET HISTORY, in which a theater tart-turned-Constantinople’s premier courtesan must decide what’s more important: pleasing...

Stalking Theodora

It’s probably a good thing all my favorite people from history are dead. Actually, I know it’s a good thing because it wouldn’t take long for me to be arrested for lurking in the bushes outside their houses. (Or palaces, in the cases of Theodora and...

How I Got My Agent + GIVEAWAY!!!

Let me just start by saying that my query experience with my second book was night and day from querying my first. (And by night and day, I mean the 20 hour Alaskan Winter Solstice night versus the 20 hour Alaskan Summer Solstice day).What I learned from querying Book...