Alexander the Great and Machu Picchu

As I write this, I’ve just finished writing the second to last chapter on The Conqueror’s Wife, my fourth novel starring Alexander the Great and his menagerie of wives, mistresses, and lovers. (Not to mention plenty of battle wounds, torturing slaves, and...

5 Star Review: The Lion & the Rose

My Review: I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I enjoyed Kate Quinn’s The Lion and the Rose even more than the prequel, The Serpent and the Pearl. It’s often all too easy to guess the twists and turns of a story: how a novel is going to finish...

A Secret About Running & Writing

That meme up there is absolutely true, and the same goes for a writer… The most difficult word a writer writes is often the first.  Butt in the chair, right? But there’s something more. Nobody tells you when you’re first starting to run that it...